This foldable tricycle is perfect for indoor use. Kids up to 40 lbs can use this speedy little bike. My kids are currently ages 8, 4, and 3 and all three have their own bike they use to fly around the house. We decided to keep these as indoor bikes, mainly because the wheels are a soft rubber like roller blade wheels that won’t scratch the floor. Plus it is quiet, well… except on our tiled kitchen which is quite loud, but oh so fun!
This little compact foldable bike is perfect for travel, is easy to store, and is ideal for helping to build coordination and balance. It is nearly impossible to flip so even my youngest who was 1 when he started riding it was able to scoot around safely. It currently comes in three colors (and yes I have all three): pink, blue, and red. Of all the scooter/riding style toys we have, these are the best. I have actually retired all the other indoor riding toys we have to the outside.