Top 5 videos for parents about kids with sensory processing disorder

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Best Audio and Video Parenting Help for Sensory Kids

As mentioned in the article I wrote about best books for parenting sensory kids, PARENTING IS HARD!! And it’s especially challenging when you have a difficult child. Everyone needs help, and it’s ok to ask for help. If you aren’t much of a book reader and prefer to watch a video or listen to a podcast, this article is for you.

1. Celebrate Calm LLC

Kirk Martin of Celebrate Calm LLC is hands-down the most amazing presenter about anything parenting that I have ever heard. He travels around the country speaking at conventions, OT clinics, schools, and many other locations. I had the opportunity of seeing him at a free seminar our OT hosted, and was blown away. He is the most relate-able, funny, entertaining, and educating person on the topic of parenting. I felt like I was watching a professional comedian who had cameras in my home discussing the hard topics about my kids and parenting that I was too afraid to ask questions for help about. He offers easy, helpful advice about changing the way you parent that will ultimately calm your household.

The amazing part about Celebrate Calm is the variety of topics. From kids with ADHD, to the strong-willed child, to teenagers, and classroom techniques, there is a topic for everyone. And EVERYTHING is available on CD’s or instant audio downloads… making listening whenever and wherever possible.

Kirk also hosts a free Podcast which may be the easiest way to get everyday help. Plug in your headphones while you are doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, or listen in the car. Kirk wants your kiddos to listen to all his work because it will help them as much as you. So don’t feel like you can only listen to his CD’s and Podcasts when you are alone. Play them out loud at home or in the car.

Kirk also has a YouTube channel so you can see him, his son, and the amazing comedy routine they put on. You will laugh, cry, and relate to him more than I can possibly tell you. I was skeptical when his advertisement said “laugh-out-loud” …. but it’s true. You will literally laugh out loud. Please, please try something of his….you will not be disappointed….and I am NOT getting paid to endorse him…I just believe in him this much.

2. The Out-Of-Sync Child

The Out-of-Sync Child book is one of the best books about kids with sensory processing disorder. You can also download the same book as an audio book to hear the same the same information, or buy it as a DVD, Out-of-sync Child DVD. There is another DVD, Getting Kids in Sync, that addresses some daycare issues. Her website also offers other CDs and DVDs that you may be interested in.

The author of the book, Carol Kranowitz, has posted some quick YouTube video tips for a faster access to her information and to figure out if you like what she is saying.

3. The Whole Brain Child

The Whole Brain Child is another amazing book and is also offered as The Whole-Brain Child Audio Version in digital MP3 format or to buy as a CD. There is also a The Whole-Brain Child DVD if you prefer to watch the book. Dr. Dan Siegel’s website offers many audio clips about a variety of subjects, DVD’s, and many other resources both free and pay to help understand the mind, parenting, and how the brain works.

4. No-Drama Discipline

Another great book written by Dr. Dan Siegel can also be found as an audio book and as a DVD. Dr. Siegel also has a YouTube channel and has posted some helpful talks. Listening and watching him first might help you decide if you want to listen to the books before purchasing. There is a wonderful video of him explaining what No-Drama Discipline means and is a quick watch.

5. Sensory Overload Simulation

If you’ve ever wondered what your child feels, hears, and sees around them, watch this video. It’s best experienced with headphones and large screen. While watching this video, I could hear in my head when my daughter often complains about “the buzzing of light” and “crunchy noises of water bottles” and other sounds she hears more than I do. She also complains about lights being too bright, particularly when going from one setting to another….this video does a great job of showing these normal senses we feel but exaggerated. Watching this may help you understand your child a bit more. Think about what you hear your kiddo complain about and see if you can find those sensations in this video. You might start to understand why at the end of the day, or even the middle, they have meltdowns….their neurological system HAS HAD IT!


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